Who are we?

Aditya Bhatnagar:
Email: dityb@umich.edu
Blurb: Aditya is an Mechanical Engineering undergraduate student at the University of Michigan who is also receiving a minor in Electrical Engineering. Aditya enjoys and is active on the university’s FSAE team and is in charge of the vehicle’s gearbox design, construction, simulation, and testing. He has experience in image processing from his time at the Estrada Lab for Experimental Soft Mechanics where he worked on a MATLAB program, called InCA, to generate and calculate kinematic data from high-speed inertial cavitation events in hydro-gel like materials. Additional image processing experience comes from an internship which involved tracking points on a vehicle body to determine the damping state of the vehicle’s shock absorbers. When he isn’t working on gearboxes or fine tuning InCA, Aditya can often be found in binging his Netflix Watch List which never seems to shrink.
Shahad Alsayyad:
Email: alsayyad@umich.edu
Blurb: A Computer Engineering student at the University of Michigan. Also a transfer student with a degree in General Engineering from Parkland College. Interested in Robotics and skateboarding.
Sergio Goodwin:
Email: serggood@umich.edu
Blurb: Sergio is an undergraduate Computer Engineering student at the university of Michigan and he is also a dual degree transfer student from Morehouse College where he received his degree in Applied Physics. If he is not doing school he is either playing video games or watching a sporting event.
Ali Robinson:
Email: alirobi@umich.edu
Blurb: Ali Robinson is a dual degree transfer student from Morehouse college studying Applied Physics and Computer engineering currently at the University of Michigan. In his free time he likes to play video games, watch anything superhero related, or read the latest manga.
Yiwei Zeng:
Email: zengyw@umich.edu
Blurb: YIwei is an undergraduate Electrical Engineering student at the University of Michigan and he has a dual degree in ShanghaiJiaotong University of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He has experience in circuit designing in the MuRoAM lab, and also made a quadcopter in that lab. He is interested in novels and comics.