Future steps
Here are the tasks which we plan to complete to improve our project:
One of the biggest things that we will have to do is expand our current finger counting algorithm to work for a large variety of hands in different positions and orientations. In order to properly test this, we will begin by amassing a data set of hands in various positions, orientations, and configurations to test our finger counting and image preprocessing algorithms.
One of the things we will need to do in the coming weeks is integrate a live webcam feed into our algorithm. This will involve acquiring a webcam and setting up MATLAB to read a video stream from it. We will have to test what is the maximum frame rate at which we can grab images from the webcam and still process the images in real time.
We will need to test communication between MATLAB and Arduino using the Arduino Support Package for MATLAB. In order to do this, we will tell different pins to turn on and off and use a Voltmeter to check that the voltage of the pins we specify is 0 or 5 V.